MMM Mission Statement
Why are we here?
Everyone asks this at some point in their lives, and companies, games are no exception. This is a summary of why we do what we do, why Made Man Mafia was built, and why we continue to work on it.
The Five 'F's
We design the game around five principles that we think are vital to a healthy game. This guides the development of the game in a way that ensures longevity and playability. Let's start...
This one has to come first. There are a lot of games that aren't fun, or stopped being fun, or are just designed to wring as much money from players as possible. So how do we define 'Fun' and how do we make the game fun to play? Something that makes you feel better than reading the news or scrolling through social media on your phone? We can aim a little higher than that! The most enjoyable parts of the games we love, minus the annoyances - an experience that makes you feel better than before you did it. A Mafia Game that twists the nostalgia of early mafia games with modern game design. Feel like you've really stepped into the shoes of a Made Man in the Mafia. The game is designed to be thematically consistent. Meet and battle with other mafiosos from around the world, and say goodbye to anybody trying to muscle in on your business.
Let's not dance around the fact that some online games have a bad reputation. We promise that we will do everything possible to keep things fair for all, a level playing field within the rules of the game. We have built special offers into the game, all deals are available to all players and will be prominently displayed. We never offer sweeteners to entice people to play, our friends don't get mates rates, no admins play the game and never will. Gaming is at it's best when competition is fair. That's when talent really shines, and the cream rises to the top. Is this your time to shine? Become a Made Man, and show the world what you're made of.
Everyone gets nostalgic about games they played when they were young. We also tend to view the past with rose-tinted glasses. At Anarchy Web Design there's a lot we love about text-based MMORPG mafia games, but also a lot that can be improved on. We build for the future, and we love to build new features for games. Made Man Mafia is setup, coded, and balanced to last. This is a long term project. The game is built using PHP 8 (released Nov 2020) and on Anarchy Web Design's AWD Mafia Game V3 script.
We re-invest our game revenues into the game. In our first year, we will adding to a monthly marketing budget. Proceeds from purchases in game go directly to jackpots paid to winners in each round. We also contribute 5% of purchases to a special prize fund. This is used to provide extra prizes for competitions, and will be managed to add extra cash prizes to as many rounds as possible. We believe everybody should get the chance to aim for a cash prize, and will be using this fund to reward skill-based gameplay. Rise to the top of your field, become the best and get rewarded here at Made Man Mafia.
We're not sure this even needs to be said. We really value the contribution that free players make to online games, and believe they should be able to have fun without spending money. We keep a careful watch on developments to make sure changes don't impact negatively on free players. There will always be something to aim at without the need to spend cash. We like that free players can get on the ladder here and win cash without spending.
The 'F's that nearly made it
Friendly for your phone
Yeah, it's a bit clunky to make the top 5! Plus, every site should look good on your phone, this is nothing special, and we work consistently to make sure the experience is good on mobile and desktop.
Fresh Slate
Each round starts on the same fresh, level, recently trimmed playing field. You don't have players who are years ahead of you in progress, and you can dip in and out of the game at your leisure and know that you're not hugely disadvantaged. (More info on rounds)
Fast Paced
We're developing features and rounds to provide all the action of a week-long game in the space of a few hours. Check out our post on Turbo Rounds. More features such as intel and family competition reward quick thinking and action.